Tuesday 4 October 2011

Let's try again... The Ledger

As you can tell it's been a while since my last blog.  Lots of reasons, and lots of excuses!
I believe it's something that God wants me to do, but I am a lazy procrastinator so I have expanded what I'll write about, in the hope that I will get back to the point if I just show up a little more often.

The Ledger
I thought to get me back on the blogging road again I'd tell you about a picture God gave me a few weeks ago,  I felt God show me a massive old ledger book, He was at a page near the front, and at the top it had my name.  He was writing in it : Prayed for someone ... credit, Didn't join in gossip .... credit.  and so on and so on, tiny things that I had done, seemingly worthless things I had done, were being added up in a credit column.
I asked Him "what about the rest?" and I saw His hand flip a massive chunk of pages toward the back of the book. And he began writing again; Anger, Pride, Swearing, Unkind words,etc. etc. and a mark against each in a very crowded debit column. Then I looked at the top of the page and the name written there was "Jesus".

I have been continually blown away by this picture, although I am regularly aware and comfortable with grace, I so often forget that everything I do is either credited to me as righteousness, because of my faith in Jesus, or is debited to Him, so that he can pay for my sin in full.

I am completely unworthy of His love, and yet he lavishes it on me so freely.  My friend Matt Blick wrote a song called "More than I could say" which conveys this so well, you can find it here.