Wednesday 16 March 2011

Choosing a Church 2

It's been a busy few days, still is, but I am trying not to lose the momentum on writing.  So even though my head is busy with other things it's time to write another post.

I thought I'd follow up choosing a church for it's theology with my second reason for choosing a church which is:
Before joining a church, decide do you have any affinity for the leaders?  These are the people who God will give authority over you.  You are under their authority supposed to submit to whatever they ask (unless they demand something which goes against scripture, in which case leave that cult asap!)
I realise that in the modern western culture in which I live what I have just said is profoundly unpopular and politically incorrect, but so is vast amouts of the rest of the Bible.  

Growing up, I used to be a member of a large denomination, but I continually felt that I could not trust those in authority.  I could not trust them to evangelise, I could not trust them to discipline those in serious sin, I could not trust them to adhere to the Bible. My position in that church, though I had grown into a position of leadership was untenable, and I found myself regularly praying that God would open up a way for me to move to a church where I had complete trust in the leaders, which He graciously did.

  2 Cor 8:4-5 commends the Macedonian churches for giving themselves first to God, and then to their leaders (the apostles), "by the will of God". Our desire should be that we should be able to give ourselves first to God, and then give ourselves to our leaders.

In his superb book 'Under Cover' John Bevere shows throughout the Bible how we are called to be under the authority of those God places over us, and to follow that authority even, sometimes, if they make a wrong decision.  He explains things far better than I ever could, so if you are interested in this, do get a copy.
But, paraphrasing an entire book in a sentence it could be boiled down to - leaders will have to give an account to God for the decisions they make, but also those under authority will have to give account to God about how they came under the authority He had given them.

The thought of standing before the Awesome King of Heaven, and having to give account for my rebellious nature scares me a bit -  as it should.  So I believe that I should make sure that I place myself and my family in a church where following leaders is easy.  I know my church leaders, I like them, I trust them and I will follow them.  Do I agree with every single decision? Not necessarily no. Would I make the same decisions always? Probably not (due to the fact I'm far more foolish).  But do I trust the motives and reasons for those decisions? Am I sure they believe that God believes those decisions are best? Do I trust that I don't know everything about a decision and they know far more? Do I believe that they just want to see God's kingdom grow? Yes, Yes, Yes!!  and therefore, I can have confidence in following and submitting to their direction always.

Ephesians 4 tells us that God gave gifts to men, and those gifts are people - Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists and Pastor teachers.
The leaders God puts you under are a gift from God, whose job is to equip you to serve. Find yourself a good church, make sure you agree with what they believe and make sure you like and trust your leaders. With these 2 things in place, you will find that your leaders are a gift from God! Trusting good leaders frees you to not worry about your church, but to serve it.

Should you be looking for a church at the moment, I hope that God blesses you with amazing Godly leaders!

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